MSP Business News is a foremost Chicago-based news outlet with a global audience. While the company is only two years old and founded in July 2019, MSP has grown to become one of the most sought-after news outlets in Chicago and the United States.
In today’s world, we understand how much fake news and half-truths affect the economic, political, and social structures of a country—and the world at large. During the Global Pandemic, our team of professional journalists was at the frontline of the war against the pandemic, ensuring that real-life stories of businesses affected by the pandemic were reported. Between March and May 2020, the unemployment rate in the United States soared beyond the unemployment rates of the two years of the Global Pandemic.
Today, we stand as one of the few active investigative business-news journalism firms, and we are proud of the work we achieve. In 2020, we interviewed 71 entrepreneurs, twenty company CEOs, and six Fortune 500 company executives, for exclusive stories of the effect of the pandemic on businesses. Today, we explore more stories and release them in different series via our news channels and website.
We believe that businesses are the backbones of a country’s economy. Our news outlets are designed to give all entrepreneurs—big or small, access to unbridled business news stories, reports, posts, and resources.